Saturday, April 19, 2008

Computer Games

As an elementary school student, one thing I remember looking forward to the most, was playing games on the computer. Some of the popular games I played as a kid were:

-Oregon Trail
-Devil's Lake
-Number Munchers

I know there were more, but those are the only ones I remember by name. I would love to use Kidpix to make different pictures. This tool was so fancy back then. I'm sure it has advanced greatly since I was in elementary school.

Oregon Trail

Oregon Trail was the most popular game in school. I loved playing this. It was very entertaining. I remember having to make big decisions while playing the game, like how much food to buy, how to help a sick family member, or how to get across a river. I had no idea as a child, that the Oregon Trail was such a huge event in history. Having games like this, can increase the intelligence of students, even if they do not realize it.
Looking back on this game, I thought it was simple. Nothing was really that intense about. Only a few clicks on the keyboard, and that was it. It is interesting to see how amused children can be by the simplest games. Sometimes I wonder if this is the case anymore. Many games today are very complex, since there are gaming systems now like XBox 360 and the Wii. The games I see my brother playing, like sports games for example, seem intense. I feel as though he would be bored with the game Oregon Trail at the young age of 10. To be honest, I'm not sure if he has even heard of the game, Oregon Trail.
Overall, I believe games can be implemented in the classroom, when they are educational. I didn't know the historical background behind Oregon Trail as a kid, but now I realize why my teachers would allow us to play this game. These games are greatly increase a student's knowledge and interest in a certain academic area.