Monday, January 28, 2008

facebook & myspace

i have realized that in my college career, i have always been able to rely on facebook or myspace to get in touch with my friends. i really don't know what i would do otherwise, if i didn't have their number or e-mail address. it's very easy to look anyone up by just typing in their name. it's crazy how technology has made such advances within a few years. i enjoy browsing these sites to see what my friends are doing, & i'm sure they do the same thing. but i really enjoy setting up my page to reflect my personality. i find this easier to do with myspace than i do facebook, but i love both.

facebook is the site that all of my friends use, and pretty much everyone i know has. myspace is what a lot of my friends call 'stalkerspace' and the only reason i had one was because facebook was only letting people who were attending a college or university join. some of my friends did not attend college after high school, so in order to keep in touch with them, i joined myspace. now that anyone can join facebook, i decided to keep my myspace page because i enjoy expressing myself with pictures and quotes, as well as doing surveys, something that is harder to do on facebook. although i must say, facebook is becoming more intense with all of the applications you can add to your profile, & i love it.. because you are able to find out even more about people.

i feel people feel more comfortable expressing themselves behind a computer. there is almost that saftey wall that protects them from what people really think. & i have also found, that if someone expresses what they like through their page strongly, others will often follow & do the same. it's very interesting, & i know that i am one of these people as well.

there is also a whole new language that goes on with facebook & myspace. the abbreviations people use is something that easily confuses those who are not exposed to it on a regular basis. sometimes i find myself not understanding what my little cousins are telling me, & it scares me! i hope i'm not already considered "old" at the young age of 21!

all in all, i do love both myspace & facebook as a means of keeping in touch with people, posting photos, and expressing yourself through words, quotes, and pictures. if i didn't have something like this online, would pay more attention to my quote book/scrapbook that i have.

yess.. i still like keeping a diary so to speak. at ACTUAL one with a binding filled with pages & everything.

but i'll talk more about that some other time.